Is your email inbox unruly? Do you waste time searching for emails you know you received or sent? Technology can be both an enormous time saver, but it can also cause us to waste an enormous amount of time as well. To stay productive and not waste time with technology we must learn to leverage the functionality in our technological tools and not fight them. Start but controlling your inbox. Zarvana is a firm that specializes in teaching productivity and time management and according to their Email Decision Tree we are all probably dealing with email wrong. Learn how they recommend controlling the chaos here
Is your organization ready for the new Revenue Recognition Standards? Does your internal audit team know how to audit for compliance? First familiarize yourself with the standard FASB Update (ASU) 2014-09 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. To ensure your compliance familiarize yourself with the subsequent releases from FASB related to the new revenue standard as well. They can be found here
“Bad Collaboration is worse than no collaboration.” Morton T. Hansen We are only as strong as our team. Very rarely is success of any kind achieved without help from others. In his book Collaboration, Morton T. Hansen examines the need for collaboration to be successful and clear recommendations for achieving and improving collaboration within teams and organizations. Want to build a stronger team? Start by unifying people. A little fun competition doesn’t hurt either. Read the book. You can buy it here:
Friday, March 8th is International Women’s Day and this year’s theme is Balance for Better #balanceforbetter.
A few years ago I wrote an article for International Women’s Day and I believe it still resonates. Women must support each other before we can expect the same support from men. Check out my article here to read what I mean:
In trying to come up with something “interesting” this month I googled “interesting ideas” for fun. I was pleasantly surprised with what I found and decided to go with it and save my original idea for next month. First thing to pop of was an article in Inc, 10 Unexpected Places to Find Interesting Ideas. While the article includes some expected suggestions like following unusual people on Twitter and Reddit there were some additional suggestions that we unique and surprising such as crashing conferences! Check out the article here: